"To see what our team has been doing over the past year, check out our 2024 Annual Report on our News Page,
click below."
How about a Great New Year’s Resolution?
Learn the Skills to Protect Yourself & Your Loved Ones!
Free Instruction & Training Manual
FEMA Certified Class
Basic First Aid & Use of Fire Extinguishers
Free Backpack with Emergency Equipment & Supplies
The Hamden Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) will be
conducting their annual CERT Training Program starting on Thursday, February 20th 2025, at 6:30 pm. This Certified 8-week CERT Training Program is available at no charge!
The training consists of how to make critical decisions during everyday emergencies or any major incident. CERT Training gives you the skills and equipment to prepare for emergencies and be able to protect yourselves, your family, friends and neighbors.
On completion, you will receive a free backpack, complete with flashlight, first aid kit, and other emergency equipment and supplies. With your graduation from this 20-hour, Nationally Certified Course you will receive your FEMA Certificate of Completion, State ID Card and the opportunity to become an Active Member of the
Hamden CERT Program.
Subjects covered will be Disaster Preparedness, Fire Safety & Suppression, Victim Search & Rescue, Medical Triage & Treatment, Disaster Impact on Victims & Rescuers, Situation Awareness and Team Organization & Operations.
Applications are available on our website. (See below.)
Completed and signed applications must be returned to the Office of the Fire Chief, 2372 Whitney Avenue, 2nd Floor Hamden, CT. 06518 no later than Friday, February 14th. For more information, check the Hamden CERT Facebook Page, “X” (Twitter) Page, Instagram or our web site at: www.hamdencert.com
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Congratulations to our Newest Members from Hamden CERT Class #23!
Thank you for your commitment and dedication, learning how to: "Make a Difference!"

Congratulations to our members from Hamden CERT Class #23 who graduated on Thursday evening. Our new members completed 8 weeks of basic training that started back on September 12th. We thank you for your commitment and dedication over the last two months and look forward to having you join us in the near future!
Halloween Night, October 31, 2024
Our Halloween Evening, Draws Hundreds of People to see the Sites and Collect all that Candy!

Halloween in Hamden was so much fun! Hamden CERT along with our Hamden Police Officers & our School Crossing Guards, managed the hundreds of vehicles and Trick or Treaters who came out to the Spring Glenn Area for a well-know Haunted House and collected pounds of candy throughout our 7- hour assignment. Thanks to our team effort & dedication we were able to help keep our community & visitors safe throughout the evening!
Saturday Through Tuesday, June 8th - 11th, 2024
Over The 4-day Period, Our Hamden CERT Members Have Volunteered 189 Service Hours Assisting With 3 Separate Venues.
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Hamden CERT invites teams from Hartford, Southington and Manchester CERT reviewing our Firefighter Rehabilitatioin Equipment and other Emergency Assets.
Tusday, April 16, 2024
Hamden CERT along with our partners at North Haven CERT attended a training class by Doctor Howard Asher on Animal & Pet First Aid!
As any pet owner will tell you, our pets are part of our family! We had a great turnout tonight of CERT Members from both Hamden & North Haven who attended a Pet/Animal First Aid Class provided by Dr. Howard Asher, President of the Connecticut State Animal Response Team (SART).
Since both of our teams respond to structure fires, weather emergencies & other incidents where animals may be injured or displaced, Dr. Asher enlightened us to how animals react under stress, how to protect ourselves & how we can provide them with comfort & any needed first aid. We carry special equipment on our response vehicles & are now better skilled on how to assist animals when they have been impacted by any emergency situation.
Thank you, Dr. Asher, for your time and helping us to provide this important service to our communities. “We have always said that CERT is about: People helping People and now we can include animals also!”
(Special thanks to Penny & Tip who behaved so well and made their Dad proud!)

Hamden CERT has placed their newly purchased Emergency Response Vehicle in service to support our Hamden Fire Deparment, Local, State & Regional Partners along with our Community Members.
October 4th and October 15th 2023
Hamden Firefighters were stretched over a 12 day periond with 2 Major, Multi-Alarm Residential Structure Fires! CERT Volunteers Assisted Hamden Fire Department at both of these incidents providing logistical support, firefighter rehabilitation and assisted the many displaced residents.

98 Kaye Vue Drive

Downes Road
The Hamden CERT Program
(As a Team)
What Are We All About?
"We're always looking for civic-minded individuals who want to help their neighbors & community!"

As a member of Hamden Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), you can respond to disasters, participate in drills and exercises, and take additional training. CERTs are known and trusted resources to emergency responders and their communities. Under the direction of local emergency responders, CERTs help provide critical support by giving immediate assistance to victims, providing temporary relocations, damage assessment information, and organizing other volunteers at a disaster site. Volunteers trained in CERT also offer a potential workforce for performing duties such as shelter support, points of distribution, crowd management and evacuations. The role of a CERT Volunteer is to help others until professional emergency personnel arrive or to keep our 1st Responders free to handle higher priority emergencies.
In addition to supporting emergency responders during a disaster, the CERT Program builds strong working relationships between emergency responders and the people they serve. CERTs also help the community year-round by helping with community events, neighborhood exercises, preparedness outreach and fire safety education.
CERTs are not intended to replace a community's response capability, but rather, to serve as an important supplement to it. CERT Members are taught to keep their own safety in mind as their first priority. CERT Volunteers know their capabilities and the limitations of their training and equipment and work within those limitations. Team members are considered "Good Samaritans" and are covered under CT. State Statute, Title 28. When deployed appropriately, however, CERTs can complement and enhance first-response capability in neighborhoods and their workplaces by ensuring the safety of themselves and their families working outward to their neighborhood or office and beyond until first responders arrive. CERTs can then assist first-response personnel as directed.
CERT is a training program that prepares you to help yourself, your family, and your neighbors in the event of a disaster. During any major incident, emergency service personnel (911) may not be able to reach everyone right away. By getting trained in CERT, you will have the skills to help emergency responders save lives and protect property. By taking the free class, you will qualify to join our Hamden Team with your FEMA Certification, but you can also just take the training for your own personal protection.
If the information above appeals to you and you have a desire to protect your loved ones and give back to your community, the CERT Program is for you! If this sounds like a fit for you, please reply to this message or you can reply through our "Contact Us Page" on this website. You can also review some of our ongoing service and activations on our website, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram sites.
"Come join us and be part of a Great Team of dedicated individuals who care for each other, our neighbors and our community! We hope to meet you soon at one of the many community events or at one of our basic classes that are held twice a year!"
Friday, May 5th & Saturday, May 6th, 2023
Back to Back Multiple Alarm Structure Fires keep Hamden CERT Busy for over 8 Hours!
A very busy night for Hamden Fire & the Hamden CERT Crew with a 5 Alarm, Mutual Aid Request for a 3 Story, Vacant Commercial Structure Fire late Friday evening in Meriden and a 2 Alarm, 4 Story, Multi-Family Apartment Complex Fire at about 4:30 am Saturday in Hamden.
Hamden CERT responded to 169 Platt Street in Meriden at 20:22 hours for firefighter rehab & Hamden Engine 5 responded for station coverage. Early Saturday morning, at 04:26 hours, all on-duty Hamden Firefighters, along with Mutual Aid on the 2nd Alarm from North Haven Fire joined forces at Hamden Town Walk for this well involved, 4 story, wood frame, multi-family,
residential structure.
Luckily, there were no injuries but 30 residents, 5 children and many pets were displaced at the Hamden Incident. Hamden CERT provided firefighter rehab at both incidents and helped Hamden Community Services, Hamden Police, AMR & American Red Cross with the many displaced
Hamden residents.
Displaced residents were assisted by Hamden CERT Members with blankets, warm beverages and temporary shelter in their CERT Vehicle and later led some to the community center at Town Walk. Many of these displaced residents ran to safety in the parking lot in night clothes, no footwear and without keys to their vehicles! Mutual Aid from New Haven, North Haven and Cheshire supplied coverage for all Hamden Fire Stations during this major incident. The cause of both fires are still under the investigation of both local and state fire marshal's offices.
"Thank you again to all Hamden & North Haven Firefighters for their outstanding efforts for rescue and minimizing the damage from this large, well involved fire from spreading further!"
169 Pratt Street, Meriden - Large, Vacant 3 Story Commercial Structure

37300 Town Walk Drive, Hamden - 4 Story, Wood Frame Multi-Family Apartment Building

Hamden CERT prepared, ready & equipped to assist Emergency Management with the COVID-19 National Emergency
July 2020
As summer has now arrived and we hope for less social distancing and restrictions, we would just like to share with you what Hamden CERT has been accomplishing over the last 3 months, during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Since the FEMA sponsored, Community Emergency Response Team Program (CERT) is all about helping our community, as our purpose, we have been very busy.
Just to review, the CERT Program is a 3-Fold Program with specific goals. First, members make sure to protect and secure themselves and their family during any emergency. Second, when able to, members reach out to their neighbors to support any needs. Third, when safe and available, members reach out and connect with other team members to supply any assets or support to their community as part of the trained and certified team. With the lack of community events that we are accustom to over the past years like Fireworks, Concerts, Food Truck Festivals and other major events, many of our members were concerned about what other activities we could support. In reviewing the first half of year (2019) compared to what we have done over the last 23 weeks, it was very surprising to see what has transpired!
Last year Hamden CERT Members contributed over 600 service hours from January to August, supporting community events. This year starting with the pandemic impact starting around the middle of March, our volunteers have provided much needed support to many of the vital services required by our community members. I would like to share with you what the dedicated volunteers of Hamden CERT have accomplished over the last 15 weeks.
Food Distribution – 10 total events, packaging & distribution – 720 Hours, serving over 2,400 meals to needy families. (Averaging 200 to 300 cars per event)
Points of Distribution for PPE – 11 POD’s totaling – 137 Hours, distributing hundreds of face masks and digital thermometers to area small business owners.
Food Deliveries, Assisting Hamden Elderly Services – 11 Deliveries – 98 Hours – making weekly deliveries every Tuesday to homebound elderly residents throughout Hamden.
The mission statement of Hamden CERT is all about people helping people and as you can see, we take pride for the fact that we work alongside our First Responders and are also an exclusive part of Hamden Emergency Management.
(See Our Mission Statement below.)
Mission Statement – Hamden, Ct. CERT
The mission of the Hamden Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is to assist our families, neighbors and community, along with our local Police & Fire Departments when needed. Our team is FEMA Certified, trained and available to provide logistical support for any large-scale emergency or planned community event that would deplete the on-duty first responder personnel.
Hamden CERT is also the volunteer branch of Hamden OEM (Office of Emergency Management). Members are always available to assist all operations of Hamden’s EOC (Emergency Operations Center) and trained to manage any Mass Care Sheltering Operations, Points of Distribution for food, water or medications or any other logistical needs!
Hamden CERT Members were also able to support the Grace & St. Peters Episcopal Church: “Dinner for a Dollar” in collecting $570 from our CERT Members to support and serve 2 Dinners, serving close to 200 community members! During this time, we were also able to assist our Hamden Fire Department Personnel, with logistical support and rehabilitation services during the 3 weeks of Live Burn Training that was held during the month of May, totaling 150 hours. As we head into the month of July, we are now preparing and planning for the “Drive-by Hamden High School Graduation” where we will be assisting with the logistics of directing and parking over 400 vehicles that will drive by the portable stage at Hamden Town Center Park and allow the graduates to receive their diploma’s.
“I’m sure that I speak for all of our members when I say: thank you to Mayor Leng, Chief Merwede, Fire Department Staff and Personnel for allowing our members to participate and be part of the team that provides so many vital services to our community on a daily basis.” It is always an honor to serve alongside of our First Responders, especially during this national emergency and trying times over the last few months.
“Please remember to be safe and do your part, for all of us during this difficult time. We are all in this together!”
Respectfully submitted,
R.J. Freeman Jr.
Hamden CERT

Thank you to Porto's Tire of Hamden for their generous donation to Hamden CERT!
Thank you to Porto's Tire Service of Hamden, CT. for their generous donation of 4 Chrome Wheel Covers for our Hamden CERT Emergency Response Vehicle! A Special "Thank You" goes out to Hamden CERT Member Marc Goldberg for making this happen! We truly appreciate your recognition of our service to the Hamden community and are proud to have you as a member of our team!

Hamden CERT assist Samaritan's Purse with Disaster Relief after the Tornado of 2018!
Hamden CERT Members had the opportunity to assist the volunteers from “Samaritan’s Purse Relief Organization” in assisting homeowners recover from the damage caused by the tornado and storms of May 15th. Multiple teams headed out to Hamden, North Haven and Wallingford in assisting homeowners with the cutting of hazardous trees, limbs, branches and removal of storm debris.
Appreciative and amazed are two of the comments that we heard over and over durning our many days of deployments. Thankful beyond words and happy tears were not uncommon with the people we served. Rewarding and fulfilling were the feelings that we experienced in helping these folks and assisting them with their long road to recovery. The damage to our community is extensive and working alongside these outstanding volunteers from all over the country was a blessing that goes beyond words. A Special Thank you to Pastor Jim Detweiler of Hope Church, North Haven for the use of their facilities and to Chick-Fil-A, North Haven for supplying us with a great meal on Saturday, June 23rd for the workers and the folks that we served, during that day.
"A Special Thank You goes out to our Hamden CERT Members" who volunteered over 100 service hours assisting the members of Samaritan's Purse. It was an honor and privilege to be part of the team from “Samaritan’s Purse” who have helped folks from all over the area. Again, thank you to all the members of “Samaritan’s Purse” for the blessings that you provided for so many of our neighbors, in their time of need! We will always remember you for your fine example of people helping people!

"Thank you to Our Friends from the Hamden Rotary Club!
"We thank you again, for our 2023 Grant Award!"
"Service above Self!"

The members of the Hamden Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) would like to thank the Officers, Directors and Members of the Hamden Rotary Club for their ongoing support of our program. We are honored to work alongside of the Rotary Members for the common, civic goals of making our community a better, healthier and safer place for all of us!
"We are privileged to have the opportunity to work along side of our Hamden Rotary for the betterment of our community!"
Thank you Dunbar Hill Station #8 Members!
We would like to take the time to send a special thanks to the members of the
Dunbar Hill Fire Company #8 for their hospitality and opening their meeting hall to our Hamden CERT Members for our monthly meetings and trainings. Their generous proposal allows us to hold our basic training classes there also.
"Their generosity allows us to have a place to hold all of our activities and also have a place to call home!"
The funds raised by the rental of their hall are used for the upkeep & improvements of their station and equipment. If you know of anyone who is interested in the rental of the hall, please contact them through the information provided below. "We sincerely thank the membership of Dunbar Hill Station #8 Volunteers for reaching out to us and proving again the affiliation and teamwork of Volunteer Emergency Services helping our community to be a better and safer place for all of us!"

The primary mission of Hamden CERT is to assist the community after major disasters when first responders, who normally provide fire and medical services, will be unable to meet the increased demand for their services.
Factors such as increased number of casualties, communication failures, road blockages, and damaged infrastructure will prevent people from accessing emergency services they have come to expect at a moment's notice through dialing 911. Our residents and visitors will have to rely on each other for help in order to meet their immediate life- saving and life-sustaining needs. This is when and where CERT Volunteers would step up and provide our community with the emergency care and skills needed to help them stay safe until additional services can be provided.
Check us out!
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Our goal is to educate our residents and make all of our citizens aware of the need to be prepared and to assist our neighbors and first responders when needed.
As a volunteer community organization, we constantly reach out to the public. We have assisted our town and its residents at many annual community events, including; Hamden Town Road Race, Hamden Expo, Earth Day, Summer Concert Series, Food Truck Festivals and the Annual Fireworks Celebration.
We are proud to be the recipients of the Hamden Chamber of Commerce's 2012 Award for Service Organization of the Year!

Hamden CERT Upcoming Events
Monday, January 27th, Monthly Meeting & Training, Dunbar Hill Station, 7:00 pm.
Monday, February 17th, Monthly Meeting & Training, Dunbar Hill Station, 7:00 pm.
Thursday, February 20th, Start of CERT Basic Training Course, Dunbar Hill Station, 6:30 pm.
"Note: Listed times are the start of the venue; Hamden CERT Members will arrive earlier!"